MIcroelectronics RELiability driven by Artificial Intelligence

MIRELAI is an EU-funded Industrial Doctoral Network with the ambition to address the challenges reliability, sustainability, and verification efforts related to the production of microelectronics components, and boost Europe’s innovation capacity and competitiveness in the market.

To achieve this goal, the project recruited 13 doctoral candidates (DCs) to investigate the physics of degradation and reduce testing and verification efforts across the value chain of electronic components and systems, while providing invaluable skills to the next generation of engineers.

Key Facts

Associated partners
European countries
Million euros

“MIRELAI is a unique opportunity for young researchers to become cross-discipline experts leading the way to a sustainable microelectronics industry.”

Dr Peter Fuchs - MIRELAI coordinator

Our Approach


The MIRELAI network will pave the way for sustainable, repairable and energy efficient electronic system designs and resource-friendly smart electronics applications.


The primary goal for MIRELAI is to train cross-discipline experts who will introduce a new level of efficiency into the development of innovative and reliable microelectronic systems within a European value chain.



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