Prof. Bernhard Wunderle

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Materials and Reliability of Microsystems


Bernhard Wunderle studied Physics in Tübingen (Germany), York (UK) and Salerno (Italy). In 1998 he received his diploma in theoretical physics from the University of Tübingen. From 1999 on he was with Robert Bosch Ltd, where he was concerned with reliability studies in advanced electronic packaging for automotive applications, a work he received his Ph.D. for from the Technical University of Berlin in 2003. In 2008 he spent several months working with Oxford Materials in the UK. Since 2009 he is a full professor at the Chemnitz University of Technology/Germany for materials and reliability of microsystems. The main focus of his group is on material characterisation, thermo-mechanical reliability and thermal phenomena in experiment and simulation, with a particular interest in structure-property correlations in the micro- and nano domain. He has longstanding experience in methods of multi-field and multi-scale simulation, including AI-based methods, and characterisation along with customised solutions for failure analysis and accelerated stress testing. At the same time, he is a member of Fraunhofer ENAS and co-founder and director of Joint Lab Berlin, where he is leading a team working in the field of customised thermal management concepts and advanced thermographic methods. He is the author and co-author of more than 300 conference papers and articles in scientific journals, holder of 15 outstanding and best paper awards and chairman of many international conferences. Bernhard Wunderle currently supervises 14 Ph.D. students, most of them within industrial cooperation. He has participated in many funded projects on national and European levels.

Selected Publications
  • P. Meszmer, M. Majd, A. Priscaru, P.J. Gromala, and B. Wunderle. Neural Networks for Enhanced Stress Prognostics for Encapsulated Electronic Packages – a Comparison. Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 123, pp. 114181, 2021.
  • K.A. Pareek, D. May, P. Meszmer, M. Abo Ras, and B. Wunderle. Finite Element Supported Data Augmentation for a Deep Learning Driven Intelligent Failure Analysis System Based on Infrared Thermography. Proc. 23th EuroSimE Conf., Malta, April 24-27, 2022.
  • P. Meszmer, A. Prisacaru, P.J. Gromala, and B. Wunderle. Data Augmentation for Improved Stress Prognostics for Encapsulated Standard Packages by Neural Networks Using Data from in-situ Condition Monitoring during Thermal Shock Tests. Proc. 23th EuroSimE Conf., Malta, April 24-27, 2022.
  • M. Sternberg, K.A. Pareek, D. May, M. Abo Ras, and B. Wunderle. Thermal Heat Path Signature of a Standard D2PAK Power Package by Transient Thermal Characterization and Modelling. Proc. 23th EuroSimE Conf., Malta, April 24-27, 2022.
  • D. May, K. Jbari, D. Carisetti, A. Borta-Boyon, P. Garabedian, A. Ziaei, M. Abo Ras, and B. Wunderle. Failure Analysis by Infrared and Thermoreflectance Imaging Applied on Active Devices. Proc. 28th Therminic Conf., Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 28-30, 2022.
  • S. Panahandeh, D. May, C. Grosse-Kockert, A. Stelzer, B. Rabay, D. Busse, B. Wunderle, and
    M. Abo Ras, Inline failure analysis of sintered layers in power modules using infrared thermography. Proc. 23th EuroSimE Conf., Malta, April 24-27, 2022.
  • D. May, J. Heilmann, E. Boschman, M. Abo Ras, and B. Wunderle. Tilt- and warpage measurement as inline quality assessment tool. Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 135, pp. 114601, 2022.

Prof. Bernhard Wunderle

TU Chemnitz

Supervisor of DC11