Doaa Mohamed

DC11 – Intelligent inline failure analysis based on thermal imaging and AI

About Doaa

Doaa Mohamed boasts a diverse and extensive educational background that spans multiple countries and disciplines. She completed her dual master’s degree in Applied Mathematics & Computer Science from L’Aquila University in Italy and Aveiro University in Portugal between 2020 and 2022. Prior to this achievement, she earned a diploma from the Information Technology Institute (ITI), affiliated with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) Institution, in 2015. Even earlier, she embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, which she pursued diligently from 2009 to 2014.

Her academic trajectory seamlessly melds the worlds of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering, placing particular emphasis on microelectronic reliability. With her robust background, Doaa possesses a profound understanding of mathematical theory, computational techniques, and algorithm design. This rich foundation kindles her passion for devising practical solutions, intertwining mathematical insights with technological advances. As she gazes into the future, Doaa is fervent about exploring projects that synergise microelectronic reliability with computational innovations. Her goals range from harnessing machine learning for predictive analytics to enhancing power networks through advanced algorithms. Beyond her own professional growth, Doaa’s ethos revolves around disseminating her knowledge, thereby nurturing innovation in both academic and professional realms. Her practical experience is further reflected in her roles such as the Data Scientist Internship at Fater Company in Italy, her Machine Learning project for Bosch Company in Portugal, and her tenure as a Senior Electrical Design Engineer/Bim Coordinator at the Engineering Consultants Group.

A word from Doaa

“I am passionate about AI-driven microelectronic reliability and am eager to contribute to the field within MIRELAI. At MIRELAI, innovation shapes a brighter future and merges with real-world impact.”

Doaa Mohamed – DC11