Marco Sperti

DC8 – Real-time monitoring of the remaining useful life of an electronic system with a data-based approach

About Marco

Marco attended the Polytechnic of Turin, starting his academic journey with a bachelor’s degree in physical engineering (from October 2018 to October 2021) and completing it with a master’s degree in Nanotechnologies for ICTs (from October 2021 to October 2023). During these 5 years, he had the opportunity to delve into the physics of semiconductors, electronics, and microelectronics, from the point of view of design, simulation, manufacturing, and analysis of systems and components. He spent the last 6 months of his master’s degree in the DISAT research centre of the Polytechnic of Turin. Here, supported by PhD students and researchers, he had the opportunity to work on the development and analysis of micro-supercapacitors for the energy storage field.

A word from Marco

“What motivates me most about being part of the MIRELAI network is the possibility of working on a unique project and in contact with fantastic people and companies in the sector.

Marco Sperti – DC8