Unveiling the Science behind microelectronics: Ensuring Your Devices Reliability

Ever wondered how your electronic gadgets, from smartphones to smart refrigerators, manage to stay strong and reliable? The answer lies in the intricate world of Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA), which carries the various electronic sub components and electronic circuits. Good or bad quality of PCB determines the reliability of electronic packaging. MIRELAI scientists are pioneering their scientific work to make our devices smarter and more resilient than ever.
The research at hand represents a collaborative effort between esteemed academic and industry experts, marking a significant milestone in the MIRELAI project. Dr Peter Fuchs, a distinguished division manager at the Polymer Competence Center Leoben (PCCL) in Austria, stands as a key academic contributor. Dr. Fuchs is an expert in the domain of Simulation and Modelling, particularly renowned for his expertise in utilising finite element simulation methods to predict and comprehend the effects of different range of temperature on materials and their behaviour.
Complementing the academic expertise, Thomas Krivec, Head of R&D Virtual Development and Resource Efficiency at Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik (AT&S), Leoben, Austria. With an impressive track record spanning over two decades, Krivec brings a wealth of experience in understanding the material behaviour, particularly in the context of electronics and their related materials.
Further enriching the collaborative effort is the involvement of Vikram G Kamble, a seasoned Scientific Researcher with over 7 years of dedicated experience in the scientific domain. He is currently working at the nexus of PCCL and AT&S. His focus lies in the meticulous investigation of criticality assessment methodologies for microvias in PCBA, thus bridging the gap between theoretical advancements and practical applications.

Unlocking the Power of Copper Micro Structures called Microvias: Think of your electronic device as a superhero, with tiny components like micro-vias and via stacks serving as unsung heroes. These elements are like the building blocks that ensure your gadget’s brain is not only smart but also strong enough to tackle real-world challenges. The MIRELAI scientists behind this innovation are like architects preparing for unexpected challenges in the construction of these tiny heroes. They’re considering surprises that might pop up during the manufacturing and design process, ensuring that our gadgets are prepared for anything life throws their way.

Scripting a Tech Revolution and Real-world Assurance: To make this modelling and simulation process faster and more efficient, scientists have enlisted the help of smart computer-based language programmes (Such as Python). These scripts automate the testing, like having a digital assistant that quickly runs through all the necessary checks, ensuring that the microvias are not only strong but also ready for prime time. But what about the real world? Well, the scientists aren’t leaving anything to chance. They’ll conduct real experiments to validate the microvia strength observed in the virtual world. It’s like making sure that the superhero gadget you imagine in the game is just as tough in reality.
Together, this interdisciplinary team of experts from both academia and industry aims to advance the understanding of material behaviour through cutting-edge simulation and modelling techniques, with a specific emphasis on the reliability of electronic components in the context of the MIRELAI project. As it is critical to understand the material behaviour at different factors (like temperature) may lead to certain failures. Their collective knowledge and collaborative spirit promise to contribute significantly to the intersection of simulation, material mechanics, and electronic applications.

Why this Research Matters to Vikram and What’s Next: In a world where our lives are increasingly intertwined with technology, these innovations ensure that your gadgets are not just smart but also incredibly reliable. From faster computers to more resilient robots, this tech revolution promises a future where your electronic companions can handle anything, making your daily life smoother and more efficient.
As these simulation models evolve, so does the potential for even smarter and stronger electronic devices. The data collected from these virtual adventures will pave the way for electronics to adapt and thrive in our ever-changing world, ensuring that your devices remain at the forefront of innovation.
Join our journey to witness the new scientific increments in the domain of microelectronics reliability and its peripherals.