
Read our project’s latest updates and news from the Doctoral Candidates

MIRELAI: Machine Learning Workshop Unveils

We’re thrilled to announce the MIRELAI Machine Learning Workshop, organised by Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH (PCCL) Austria, an immersive two-day event poised to redefine the landscape of machine learning.

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Unveiling the Science behind microelectronics: Ensuring Your Devices Reliability

Microvia reliability is pivotal in electronic devices, ensuring stable connections within PCBs. These minute conduits, typically under 150 micrometers, demand precision in design and manufacturing. Robust materials and advanced techniques, like laser drilling, fortify microvias against mechanical stress. Rigorous testing, including thermal cycling, guarantees their resilience under varied conditions. Ultimately, microvia reliability safeguards the overall performance and longevity of modern electronic systems.

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